Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Setup Java Environment Variable

What is Environment Variable???

Environment variables are the variables which decides the functionality of Command Prompt.
      If we talk about java, then if we don't setup the environment variable,then we have to run program by going in the bin directory which contains the java.exe and javac.exe file which are used for program compilation and running the program.
And moreover we have to paste the source code file in bin directory which creates our work more difficult. 

But if we setup the environment variable, then we can run our source code from any directory.


If you have any query regarding this or anything else related to programming then feel free to contact us either by leaving comment here or just mail us at surinderrajpal[at]

Monday, 10 June 2013

Ruby Programming Demo

Ruby , as described before this post, is most powerfull interpreted language.
Syntax used in Ruby is just like Perl, Lisp and SmallTalk which doesn't means that you have to learn these languages first. But you can start learning ruby if and only if you have some basic programming knowledge like control statements(e.g. looping), conditional statements(e.g. if else).
Now as you know what ruby language is and where it is used?
 So we start our practice by implementing our first program i.e. Printing "Hello World"

I have made a video for this Program tutorials.
Program is given below:-

puts "Hello World!!!"


Above program results in Printing Hello World!!! on the screen.
The tutorial is shown below so have a look over it...

For any query feel free to contact us by leaving your valuable comment on the post or on the video.....

Saturday, 8 June 2013

RUBY Introduction

RUBY Programming language
  • Ruby is one of the most powerful programming language.
  • It is object-oriented programming langauge.
  • It is an interpreted language i.e. A little bit code conventions are there.
  • Its the simplest one of all Object-Oriented languages.
  • The code saved in file with the extension either .rb or .rbw
  • All the facilty is provided in this like Window Programming, Console Programming.
  • This is used on web also in combination with rails.
  • RUBY ON RAILS which is one of the most powerful scripting language.
  • Scripting languages are the languages which run directly i.e. no need to convert them first into machine-dependent code.So it is the fastest language.
  • The code convention are similar to PERL, SMALL-TALK, LISP, ADA, EIFFEL.
  • It is the language which is similar to HUMAN BODY i.e Simpler from outside Complex from inside.
  • This is the language with balanced functional programming with impretive programming.
  • Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, Creator Of Ruby, often said that "he is trying to make Ruby Natural, but not simple.
  • After its public release in 1995, It has drawn devoted coders world-wide.
  • One more thing about ruby is its free of cost. That means anyone can be expert in this without paying anything.
  • It also provide the facility of calculator i.e. We can any computation directly without writing any code.